● I really love witchy themes, i'm a bit obsessed with over sized witch hats.●As some haven noticed, i love DnD, fey being magical creatures from the Feywild and i'm just another fey folk●I don't really have a preferred genre of music, but Spotify says that i'm scary and comfy, i'm kinda into it

Litches get stitches.

I started learning live2d on December 2020, I used to be a physics teacher then i quit my job on April 2021 to focus manly on Live2d and this is my full time job ever since.I found comfort in being able to give life to art and meeting the amazing people that have crossed my path makes me incredibly happy.

You can also check my amazing wife art, she's really talented



Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish

All videos are currently placeholders

All models contain
Physics based movement (more fluid)
Eye Physics
advanced physics
mouth X (iOS only)
Chibi models have 10% discount for Tier 3 and 4

Tier 1
Head and body tilt (Z)

Tier 2 Head/Chibi
Head xyz movement
body z
No video

tier 3 half body
Head Tilts
Head movement (X and Y)
Full Body movement (X and Y)

tier 4 full body
Vbridger simple setup (iOS only)
Head Tilts
Head movement (X and Y)
Full Body movement (X and Y)
Hip movement
Leg movement / side step**

Vbridger mouth: $250
only vbridger mouth movement
Vbridger full face: $400
movement from brow to chin

  • Addons

  • Animation: $50+

  • Expressions: $40+

  • Tongue Out: $80+

  • Toggle pose: $60+

  • Additional outfit: $200+

  • Additional hairstyle: $200+

  • Mouse track toggle: $150+

  • Additional Ear/Horns/Tail/Wings: $60+

  • Hand tracking; $500+

  • Wider head turn: $500+

  • Angry/Alternative mouth set: $70+

  • If you want anything that is not listed above, feel free to ask!

**Leg movement usually depends on the model initial pose and might not look good on all the models so i might don't do it if i think it would not fit the model well enoughAlthough the prices are generally as stated, the specific price can only be determined after talking with me, sending me the model and all its features so it can be properly evaluated.